In a world full of challenges, a Brooklyn mask crusading rapper by the name Brooklyn Batman gave a new meaning to having “A Superhero Christmas”. As a kid, Never having a chance of celebrating Christmas himself gave him the inspiration to help those in need. The selfless deed super hero decided to Give back to those less fortunate, realizing the gift giving event was indeed a gift in itself.
On December 23, 2020 Brooklyn Batman, Frontline Ent, Aura Connections in affiliation with Evo Agency and The Artistry Entertainment presented “The First annual, Superhero Christmas” in which he donated $5000 worth of toys for the kids in Glenwood Center on Farrugut RD Brooklyn NY. He provided an extravagant bat mobile for the kids to sit inside and interact . Their smiles were priceless! Unity within the community shared a beautiful event having more than just families and kids but Community activist & councilman such as: Farra Louis, Mercedes Narcisse, and Chris banks. Influencers such as HolliTv, Spidercuz and more. The giveaway was a fun family event in which they ensure to follow guidelines. Keeping it socially-distanced, and face masks required, a worthy effort in not allowing the pandemic to stop and cancel Christmas.